An interdisciplinary sound art workshop,
10th - 15th of February 2025
Public presentation,
Saturday, 15th of February 2025 Iași
Adress: Sf. Atanasie Street, no. 25, Iași, Romania
Workshop Description
The hands-on workshop In the Blink of an Ear delves into the multi-layered concept of listening and the constellation body-sound-space. Through various listening exercises and soundwalks, we will explore the intricate relationship between our body, the bodies of others and the surrounding space. This year’s workshop will focus on the theme of “Playing The City”. The city of Iasi will be our inspiration to develop ideas or scores and to collect materials for creation, such as acoustic phenomena, environmental sounds, or reflections on and about sound.
To expand the interaction between sound and space, we will introduce, alongside our physical presence, simple and readily accessible devices: piezo, coils, recorders or MP3 players, smartphones or small speakers. This will form the basis for the individual / collaborative artistic works created as part of this project, which will be presented in an open atelier day format at the gallery in Iași.
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Autumn planting workshop /
Saturday, 9 November 2024, 11 to 5 p.m.
The Experimental Station for Research on Art and Life,
Intrarea Primaverii no. 10, Silistea Snagovului village, north of Bucharest, Romania
GPS coordinates
In Autumn 2022 we planted the first trees of the Cosmos Garden, when the war in Ukraine was still in its early days and the earth was sending vibrations of the bombs falling and the ecocide in progress. In Autumn 2023, after the 7th of October attack of Hamas and the ensuing massacre of Palestinians, turned into an ongoing genocide, we were planting fruit trees that were to become an orchard of hope. Apricot, pear, sour cherry, almond and quince trees. In Jewish Palestinian Aramaic language, quince was known as the miraculous fruit. In Autumn 2024, while Lebanon is being bombed, we organise another collective planting session. We will plant a Lebanese cedar, more fruit trees including a quince type named Constantinople, grape vine and others.
With the privilege and responsibility of being still alive, we continue to plant life and to cultivate hope, even when reason itself turned against it.
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The Experimental Station for Research on Art and Life,
Intrarea Primaverii no. 10, Silistea Snagovului village, north of Bucharest, Romania
GPS coordinates
Inspired by multi-functional annexes in the post-Ottoman tradition of rural Romania, Atelier Ad Hoc designed a building that is part of a core infrastructure for the Station. Part kitchen, part storage-space, including functions such as pergola for climbing plants and time indicator through an incorporated sundial, the construction is complementary to a series of eco-prototypes that serve each other to represent both tools of conviviality and ways of coexisting with the environment in a less damaging way. Thus, the kitchen will provide the space and storage for preparing food, which is to be cooked using the oven Demeter, built in 2023 from recycled bricks and clay from the area by poet V. Leac, and also the space for washing the dishes, with the grey water circulated through a phytoremediation system designed by atelier d'architecture autogérée and implemented at the Station in 2023-2024.
With the collaboration of Andrei Savonea, the kitchen structure installed this summer will receive its inside shells and outside walls this November.
If you are an architecture or design student, a carpenter, or simply someone who dreamt about assembling a kitchen without IKEA type of instructions, you are welcome to join one of the sessions in which we bring this structure closer to its final shape.
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Eco-prototype design: atelier d'architecture autogérée
Participatory workshop within the project Architecture, Biodiversity, Culture [ABC]
Saturday, 26 August 2023, 10 am – 6 pm
The Experimental Station for Research on Art and Life, Siliștea Snagovului
GPS Coordinates
Phytoremediation is a term that groups different technical processes of removal or toxicity reduction of pollutants in the environment, based on the plants use. Among these techniques are the phyto-filtering of grey waters (used waters from the kitchen and shower), which involve installing natural filters, where botanic species called macrophytes are planted, which favour the activity of pollutant-eating bacteria, thus ensuring the cleansing of the water. Following this process, the water can be dispersed into the soil and used for irrigation.
Within the project Architecture, Biodiversity, Culture [ABC], funded by the European Union, Association and its partners, atelier d'architecture autogérée, Drenart and Nedeea Vâlceană Association are realising a series of architectural and infrastructural eco-prototypes, appropriate to be used by cultural institutions. The phyto-filtering of greywaters is such an eco-prototype, already put into practice by atelier d'architecture autogéré (aaa) in the projects they developed in the region of Paris, as well as at TERRRA Brezoi, one of the sites where ABC project operates.
Alongisde the actual greywaters remediation, the eco-prototype conceived for the Experimental Station will help water the Cosmos Garden, a biodiversity garden initiation at the Station in Autumn 2022.
We invite you on Saturday, 26 August, to participate in a practical workshop of the construction of the phyto-filtering system. The workshop comprises a technical briefing, the practical part of installing the system and a collective lunch. Participation is free, for additional information you can write to
Access: by car via DN1 or A3; by bus no. 446, departure from Piața Presei Libere, get off at Pescari stop, Siliștea Snagovului village.
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Workshop conceived and realized with Ștefan Rusu
July 17-20, 2023 @ Iasi
Address: GreenHouse, Str. St. Athanasius no. 25, Iasi
Between July 17-20, we invite you to Iași to participate, in person, in an intensive workshop that will take place over the course of four whole days, a workshop designed and realized together with the artist Stefan Rusu. This is intended to be a formula through which the practice we know as "paper architecture" can be updated.
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Participatory workshop on traditional building materials, presentation and observational walks of local architecture.
Facilitated by Jelica Jovanović (architect)
Saturday, 17 June 2023, 12 to 6 p.m.
The Experimental Station for Research on Art and Life, Siliștea Snagovului
GPS Coordinates
The earth architecture workshop is organized in the framework of ABC project to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and skills related to the possibilities of using traditional building materials and techniques and local material resources through a sustainable and ethical practice. With hands-on activities of preparing, mixing and testing earth materials (mud plasters, mortars, adobe and hybrid construction techniques), along with discussions and walks in the nearby area, the workshop is intended to create a space for sharing technical knowledge, experiences, and working possibilities, drawing from the work of The Summer School of Architecture in Rogljevo and the plan of building the Experimental Station. The Summer School is an informal alternative educational platform developed in 2010 by Jelica Jovanović and the Group of Architects (GA) to restore and preserve cultural assets (wine cellars) in Serbia together with the involvement of a group of students and with the active cooperation of the local community.
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13 June 2023
The Experimental Station for Research on Art and Life
Siliștea Snagovului is welcoming a group of students and their tutors, from one of the most experimental MAs in the Baltic countries, the POST programme at the Latvian Art Academy in Riga. During their trip to Romania, facilitated by curator and tutor Corina Apostol, they will spend one day at the Station, exploring the surroundings and discussing topics formulated by the Station’s context, such as water scarcity, biodiversity preservation, migration of plant and animal species, sustainable food systems, as well as models of collective ownership and self-management. The Cosmos Garden at the Station will serve as a case study for some of these topics.
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Practical workshop for the building of a traditional oven, with V. Leac /
Saturday, 1 April 2023, 11 am – 6 pm
The Experimental Station for Research on Art and Life, Siliștea Snagovului
Access: by car via DN1 or A3; by bus, 446 line, departure from Piața Presei Libere, get off at Pescari stop.
A traditional oven in the garden is a place to celebrate the harvest, the beginning and end of seasons (as unpredictable as they have become), to gather people around its fire and fresh smell of baking bread, to provide food, stories and shelter.
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Webinar organised by atelier d’architecture autogérée & Remix the Commons /
Online event
Saturday, 27 March 2021 from 11:00 UTC+02-16:00 UTC+02
The first C4R seminar organised by AAA, Remix the Commons and and other C4R partners and collaborators (CASCO,, NetHood) focuses on the concept of resilience governance.
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String of workshops + panel on critical pedagogy /
30th May & 20th June 2019
Our series of events will try to explore the topics of pedagogy and representation within two workshops and a panel discussion: on the 30th May during the reading seminar conducted by the Save As group (Mentés Másként) we can learn the basics of critical pedagogy, which will be used for the activities (on the 20th June) of the Deviszont Community Space (Deviszont Közösségi Tér) for high school students. The series of workshops will be followed by an open panel discussion with the members of the Deviszont Community Space and the Save As group.
Save As: Jakab Villő Hanga, Gegő Virág (Cluj Napoca)
Deviszont Community Space: Szarka Alexandra, Fernengel Ágnes (Budapest)
Moderator: Gegő Virág
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Saturday, 18 May 2019 from 16:00-18:00 Bucuresti, Str. Gazelei 44, sector 4
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Debate / București and Sofia Nădejde Awards for Literature Written by Women organize the debate The Convenient Per-Cent. Equity and Gender.
23 March 2019, from 4 pm București
44 Gazelei St., sector 4
Participants: Anca Bucur, Anca Dumitrescu, Carmen Mușat, Crina Mureșanu, Cristian Iftode, Cristina Modreanu, Dana Andrei, Elena Marcu, Fatma Yilmaz, Flavia Dima, Iulia Popovici, Laura Sandu, Liliana Basarab, Magda Cîrneci, Magda Radu, Nicoleta Moise, Nona Șerbănescu, Oana Băluță, Ovidiu Anemțoaicei, Ovidiu Pop, Tudorina Mihai, Veronica Lazăr.
Moderators: Elena Vlădăreanu (Sofia Nădejde Awards project) and Raluca Voinea ( București)
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International workshop /
Cluj, 11-15 June 2018
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February – October 2018 București
Str. Gazelei 44, sector 4
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Workshop / Presentation /
28th of October 2017 Iași
Al. Lăpusneanu St. 7-9
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Workshop conceived and realized by Ana VILENICA and Vedan ŠURELOV
19, 20, 21 August 2017 (Saturday, Sunday and Monday)
Every day at 2 pm Iași
Al. Lăpușneanu St. 7-9
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25 May 2017, 6 pm Cluj,
Brassai Samuel Street, no 5
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18 May 2017, 6 pm Cluj,
Brassai Samuel Street, no 5
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19 April 2017, 6 pm Cluj,
Str. Brassai Sámuel, nr. 5
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First workshop: Thursday, 16th of March 2017, 6 pm Cluj,
Str. Brassai Sámuel, nr. 5
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Powered by One World Romania /
14-16 October 2016
tranzit. ro/ București, Str. Gazelei nr. 44, sector 4
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with Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca, Adi Dohotaru, Vitalie Sprânceană, Vladimir Us, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, Dan Acostioaei, Veda Popovici, Ovidiu Pop /
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Local Goddesses welcome you to: 3 performance workshops (March 17th – April 12th 2016)
During March-April we will use the Tranzit space as place for meeting and practicing some performance exercises. If you wish to participate to our meetings and to work alongside on a few themes (listed below), please send an email to
Within the group and during the workshops we do not accept any form of discriminatory approaches (related to gender, race, sexuality, class, dis/ability and so on).
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March-October 2016 București,
Str. Gazelei nr. 44, sector 4 București continues the series of applied urban permaculture workshops in its Garden. After two years of testing, caring for and harvesting salads, tomatoes, topinambur, strawberries or aubergines, the small community of the Tranzit Garden is ready to embark on its third season of experimenting with the principles of permaculture – through the work on the garden plots and the sharing of experiences.
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A workshop with and for Vladimir Us & Vitalie Sprînceană
Saturday, July 4 and Sunday, July 5 2015,
Together with: Dan Acostioaei, Luminița Apostu, Delia Bulgaru, Florin Bobu, Petronela Grigorescu, Cezar Lăzărescu, Sorana Lupu, Livia Pancu și Constantin Răileanu
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The applied permaculture workshops continue throughout 2015 in the garden of Bucuresti.
An event organized as part of the LGBT History Month /
17 February 2015, from 6:30 pm București,
Str. Gazelei nr. 44, sector 4
How does solidarity make a stronger community?
We invite you to an interactive workshop where we’ll explore some of the facets that shape our existence as a part of the LGBT+ community.
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This summer, București has the privilege and the joy of being partner of the project “Azuga Summer School”:
1-9 August 2014
Azuga, Prahova county
In the period 1-9 August there takes place the third edition of Azuga Summer School, an annual project of cultural intervention and education through art initiated in 2012 by the choreographers Mihaela Dancs and Mădălina Dan, accompanied as a producer by Ștefania Ferchedău.
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12 - 17 May 2014 / Iaşi
7-9 Al. Lăpuşneanu St.
On May 12-17 2014 Iași is involved as a partner in the "Passing by" - Urban Interventions Workshop, a project initiated by the Association of Architecture Students in Iași and studioBASAR, a young team of architects based in Bucharest.
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Workshop led by Erik Hagoort /
An event which accompanies the residency of students from the MFA St. Joost Den Bosch, NL at Bucharest Air
Time: 12 & 13 April 2014 București, Str. Gazelei, nr. 44, sector 4
The workshop is open to participants; you can register by email: (Ioana Gheorghiu).
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Applied workshops of permaculture /
Grădina Tranzit [Tranzit Garden]
Applied workshops of permaculture
Organized together with Grădini urbane comunitare [Community urban gardens]
Coordinated by Ionuț Bădică and Laurențiu Cernat (Romania in transition).
tranzit. ro/ București, Str. Gazelei, nr. 44, sector 4
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March – April 2014 / Iaşi
7-9 Al. Lăpuşneanu St.
Over the past two years, Iaşi managed to acquire a selection of books – which did not necessarily follow a precise concept – in order to create a small-scale public library related to contemporary art and curating. This process made us think about how libraries are built according to various subjectivities, and therefore the natural way to grow our book collection would be to have it designed by our audience in workshops and other kind of construction processes, involving the periodic commitment of a certain group of people. Hence, we thought about inviting someone whose academic and curatorial skills, alongside with a solid knowledge of the local audience, would engage in such a process, in the shape of a series of workshops.
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Education and Its Discontents /
ArtLeaks Workshops
Part III: Education and Its Discontents
18th of October, from 5 pm - with Corina Lucia Apostol and Dmitry Vilensky (Chto Delat?) Bucureşti, Str. Gazelei nr. 44, sector 4
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ArtLeaks Workshops Cultural Production, Organization and Struggle
Part II
October 5th 2013, 5 pm with Andrei Gavril and Anca Mihuleț
October 7th 2013, 5 pm with Mihail Macovei Bucharest, Str. Gazelei nr. 44, sector 4
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Part I - History of Struggles and Forms of Organization /
Part I.
10th and 12th of September, from 5 pm - with Corina Lucia Apostol and Vlad Morariu: History of Struggles and Forms of Organization Bucureşti, Str. Gazelei nr. 44, sector 4
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On Friday, 12th of April 2013 (16.00-20.00) and on Saturday, 13th of April 2013 (10.00-16.00), Iaşi hosts Visuality degree 0, a workshop of exhibition design. This workshop was initiated and coordinated by Oana Maria Nae following an invitation by Iaşi addressed in November 2012 to the young teachers in the frame of the event Young Artists Teaching Art.
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Workshop with students of the Arts University in Iasi, together with Bogdan Ghiu and Octav Avramescu. Iasi
Iaşitex building, et. 7
B-dul Primăverii nr. 2,
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Workshop with studioBASAR /
Workshop for the project realized by studioBASAR for the exhibition "Km. 0. Representations and repetitions of the University Square", opening at the space of Bucuresti.
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Workshop with students of the Arts University in Bucharest, together with Bogdan Ghiu and Octav Avramescu. Bucuresti - Str. Gazelei nr. 44, sector 4, Bucuresti
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on art institutions, curators, artist’s role in time of changes /
A one day event realized by Sibiu in partnership with Curators' Network. From 18:00h at Lia Perjovschi's studio.
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