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Inga ZIMPRICH and Sönke HALLMANN: Century of the Artist

Workshop / Presentation

28th of October 2017 Iași
Al. Lăpusneanu St. 7-9

Century of the Artist is a project conceived by Inga ZIMPRICH and Sönke HALLMANN as a response to the invitation to contribute to The Glitter(Y) And The Misery Of The European Middle Classes. For the past few months Century of the Artist took the form of an enquiry, a workshop held in Berlin, a poster and a presentation to take place in Iaşi at Iaşi, Saturday, the 28th of October.

“In Century of the Artist Sönke Hallmann and Inga Zimprich develop subjective approaches to question the particular role contemporary artists maintain in our societies when it comes to managing political desires. Exemplary for the whole of society artists are given the privilege of self-expression, self-realisation, high visual literacy, critical reflexivity and cross-disciplinary inquiry. Performing this societal role often goes hand in hand with privilege, and class privilege in particular. Most people stem from white well educated middle class backgrounds and can rely on safe economic backdrops when they choose to pursue artistic careers.
The workshop Century of the Artist created space to unravel own biographies, socio-cultural context and upbringing as well as adolescent desires and inherent promises of privilege and prestige implied in the role of the artist.
The poster, which will be presented, documents enquiry and workshop and formulates a manual how to subjectively question classism in our own position as cultural workers.”

Enquiry, textbook and poster will be available here.

Inga Zimprich works as artist and curator in self-organized contexts. In 2015 Inga Zimprich initiated the Feminist Health Care Research Group (FGRG), in which artists develop self-empowering and feminist perspective on health and health care.

Sönke Hallmann is a theorist who founded the Department of Reading (DoR) in 2006, a platform for collective reading practices. 
Sönke and Inga collaborate as Faculty of Invisibility questioning the convening qualities of the art institution, its performative proceedings and normative apparatus. With the curatorial group Inverse Institution (with Janine Eisenächer, Jo Zahn) they examine and develop collective practices of institutional critique.

The title of the project refers to the BBC documentary The Century of the Self (2002), by Adam Curtis.

THE GLITTER(Y) AND THE MISERY OF THE EUROPEAN MIDDLE CLASSES is a project organized by Iasi between June and November 2017.

Among Participants: Noa Treister, Ovidiu Pop, Ana Vilenica, Andreea Cioară, Dan Acostioaei, h.arta, BOEM*&Migrating Kitchen, Bojana Piškur & Đorđe Balmazović, Katarzyna Bielińska-Kowalewska & Zbigniew Marcin-Kowalewski, Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca and Sönke Hallmann & Inga Zimprich.

Co-curators of the project are Nebojša Milikić, Livia Pancu and Florin Bobu.

Inga ZIMPRICH and Sönke HALLMANN contributions were specially supported by our partner: The German Cultural Center in Iaşi

Project Partners: Oberliht Association, Chişinău and Cultural Center Rex Belgrade

Design: Andrei Timofte

Cultural project co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.

This project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how project results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.

The photo was taken on the occasion of the workshop Century of the Artist held in Berlin on October 8th, 2017.