19 April 2017, 6 pm
tranzit.ro/ Cluj,
Str. Brassai Sámuel, nr. 5
The workshop series “Housing - right or commodity. What is to be done?” continues with a second discussion tackling the privatization process and the manner in which the property transfer led to the commodification of housing. We aim to discuss the privatization of economic units and of the housing stock, together with the relation between the two. We examine these rights transfer practices at local level, in connection with the national legislation, as well as with the conditions imposed by the international financial organizations as a means to create the market economy. Empirically, we localize these processes in a peri-central urban area. Prior to privatization, it comprised three state factories, alongside a mixed housing property and tenancy regime. The urban socialist development process has partially led to the construction of collective housing blocks, yet not every systematization plan was implemented. Beyond the transfer process introduced in this second workshop, we introduce the transformation of the area under the impact of projects by grand real estate developers, to be addressed during the following workshops.
The workshop series is organized within the project “Strengthening the Housing Justice Coalition in Romania through reframing the political claims for public housing” of Desire Foundation (Cluj) in partnership with tranzit.ro/ Cluj.
The project is coordinated by Simona Ciotlăuș and Noémi Magyari.
Supported by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (Belgrade Office).