6-11th of August 2023,
Vármező/Câmpu Cetăţii, Mureş county, Romania
How do we imagine the collapse of our familiar world, the zero-point of social and personal life? What do we think about the built environment and power systems that seem unbreakable? What learned and inherited stereotypes is our social and creative imagination captive to? The idea for the Zero Point Summer School was born out of a critique of two radical endpoints - apathy and blind trust - with the stated ambition that participants in the program would formulate new responses, or even utopias, by examining the built environment and urban planning practices in the context of social crisis situations.
Who are we expecting?
The Summer School is open to young professionals and students in design, architecture, social sciences and humanities, for whom finding new starting points comes with a vision of a society based on solidarity and autonomy. The language of the summer school is Hungarian, thus Hungarian at conversational level is required.
What is our goal?
We want to create room for playing with ideologies, social concepts and theories, and for in-depth creation. Invited speakers and workshop leaders will explore the abstract and utopian idea of the (re)starting point from different perspectives, including political history, design and architectural history, social science, heritage conservation and ecology.
Vármező/Câmpu Cetății, Mureş county, Romania
Speakers and workshop leaders confirmed so far:
Sára Bagdi, art historian
Róbert Balogh, historian
Bogyó Virág, visual artist
Miklós Erhardt, visual artist
Sándor Guba and Péter Hámori (GUBAHÁMORI), architects
Máté Hulesch, design culture researcher, architecture critic
Zsófia Jauernik, architect and heritage conservation engineer
Rita Süveges, visual artist
András Vigvári, sociologist and ethnographer
Csaba Zahorán, historian
Anna Szabó, biologist-ecologist.
How to register:
You can register online until 16 June 2023 at
For further questions, please send an email to
Practical info:
During the camp, participants will be accommodated in multi-bedded accommodations, 3 meals per day will be provided. Participants will have to arrange their own transport to the site. The contribution to the program is set at 20,000 HUF or 250 lei, but a limited number of free places are available and will be granted on the basis of need. You can indicate your request for this on the application form. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of the motivation letter and the results will be communicated by 23 June 2023.
Deadline for payment of the fee: 30 June 2023.
The program is curated by Virág Bogyó and Ágnes Patakfalvi-Czirják.
The main partner of Cluj is ERSTE Foundation.
For more information visit the program’s Facebook event, the program’s Instagram page, or check out the following detailed description [in Hungarian].