Part of the Project Untold Stories
Evening of Roma Fairy Tales
Reading-Performance “The Great Shame”
Project Untold Stories – Povești nespuse
How do Roma people claim an identity? How can Roma people reclaim an identity when fundamental parts of their history remain untold and when the links between the past and the present are not being discussed? What are our stories? Who is telling the history? Whose history is being told and how?
The 20th of February is the 160th anniversary since the official abolition of slavery in Romania. This is a very important day in Romanian history, marking a crucial moment in the fight for justice in our country. A moment we invite you to celebrate together with us!
We have decided to celebrate 160 years since the abolition of Roma slavery by organizing two events everybody is invited to. Entrance is free for both events!
On Friday, the 19th of February at 6.30 PM, we will organize an Evening of Roma Fairy Tales at Bucuresti. On Saturday, the 20th of February at 7 PM, the reading-performance ”The Great Shame” will have its premiere at Clubul Țăranului Român.
Both events are directed by Alina Şerban, a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London (MA Theatre Lab programme) and Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. She is currently a supported artist by Tara Arts and Arts Council England. The aforementioned events are part of the project Untold Stories/Poveşti nespuse initiated by Alina Şerban and implemented with the help of the Romano ButiQ Association. The project Untold Stories/Poveşti nespuse promotes Roma history and cultural diversity and highlights marginalized Roma historical and cultural perspectives that are rarely in the spotlight.
On the 19th of February, the Evening of Roma Fairy Tales will give you the opportunity to listen to some of the stories included in the Collection Of Roma Fairy Tales, published on our website, directly from our very special storyteller, Auntie Veta. Auntie Veta will recount old fairy tales handed down from generation to generation. We hereby invite you to join us in reliving and recapturing the charm and magic of oral storytelling.
On the 20th of February, the day that commemorates the abolition of Roma slavery will be marked through the premiere of the reading-performance ”The Great Shame”! The audience will be presented with a page from Romanian history that is conspicuously absent from the history textbooks, as well as from the discussions in our contemporary society. ”The Great Shame” reading-performance gravitates around the idea of shame – a historical shame regarding a past for which nobody has taken responsibility, personal shame regarding one’s identity and shame of standing in solidarity with the Roma people in our lives. We invite you to join us in a space particularly suited for such experiences, at Clubul Țăranului Român!
„Advised by the spirit of the age and by the laws of humanity, a number of boyars, both young and old, have taken measures to purge their country of the shameful stain of slavery.”
(Mihail Kogălniceanu)
For more information contact: Crenguţa Mihăilă
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Project Untold Stories
Romano ButiQ
Project financed through PA17/RO13 – Promoting diversity in culture and art in the framework of the European cultural patrimony
Financial Mechanism SEE 2009-2014