română/ bucurești/ cluj/ iași/ sibiu/

. _ _ OR _ . _

a project by Zsófia Gábor and Dániel Láng

23 February – 8 March 2018 Cluj,
Brassai Sámuel St. 5

Zsófia Gábor studied visual arts, and Dániel Láng music. They are a young couple recently based in Cluj, where they are regularly involved in various artistic events and projects. Their creative skills are thus channeled as responses to the various challenges and requests from their artistic and social milieu. As such, they are not merely subject to the aesthetic imperative of the never fulfilled artistic experience or the imperatives of creative and auctorial novelty, but instead deal with the continuous obligations and daily management of their contemporary society. Responding to various types of commissions which are in a way or another connected to art and creativity, their live and practice is modified to such an extent that one should ask where we can trace the line between work and “doing something else”.

The audio visual performance entitled ". _ _ OR _ . _" and presented at Cluj is on the one hand a ludic response to the situation in which they are captured, and on the other, a radical experimentation of the boundaries and inner structure of contemporary precariat.

The audio performance starts at 4 pm and can be visited by the public from 8 pm until midnight.

Curated by Attila Tordai-S.