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The Legacy Bucharest

We have the pleasure to invite you to the opening of the brand new Hub in town: The Legacy | Bucharest. It is dedicated to the national and international ecosystem of Ethical Entrepreneurs and Changemakers and is composed of a showcase site for permaculture and urban sustainability, a co-working space and a space for transformative educational programs. We joyfully envision this place to be in the service of cultural evolution and the micro revolutions taking place in each of us. The Legacy serves social innovation and the weaving of both community networks and the community spirit.

The event will be a celebration that respects social distancing and that is why we ask you to clearly state your participation by posting in the event page, or FB message (not just clicking attend). This will help us oversee the number of participants.

It will be a vegan potluck evening with music and good company. We warmly welcome you and hope that soon the situation will allow us to be able to welcome many more people.

The Legacy | Bucharest - Acts of Restorative Kindness is part of an international collaboration and is the fruit of many years of co-creation and service by many individuals, organisations and movements from Romania among which we mention the Permaculture Research Institute of Romania and Romania în Tranzitie.

We also extend our gratitude to Erste Foundation Austria for their support in launching this project and the collective who first established this place and supported us to take stewardship of it.

With celebration and joy,
The Legacy | Bucharest Crew

Facebook event: The Legacy | Bucharest Bucuresti is happy and honoured that the space it has created for 7 years continues to have a life and no other name than The Legacy could have been more appropriated for the celebration of the continuity in the spirit and the energy of this space. We wish the Legacy team good luck and we look forward to seeing the new life they will give to a space which hopefully stays on the map of Bucharest's meaningful places for still a while.