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The Political Myth of Intellectual Property. Why Is It So Harmful?

Presentation by Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca

Tuesday, 29th of May 2018, hours TBA

"George Enescu" Arts University, Iași
Faculty of Visual Arts and Design
Sărăriei Street, no. 189, Iași

"Despite its recent inclusion in legal terminology, the theoretical construct of <> has become the common way of understanding the protection of creators' rights over their own creation. However, the analogy between ownership and copyright is based on hard to justify assumptions. It has developed into a particular ideological framework, specific to cultural capitalism, impregnated by political values that tend to exploit, expropriate or distort common goods in the name of the sovereign individual interest. Starting from classical historical and political-economic references, the presentation will highlight the contradictions inherent to the myth of "intellectual property" and their political explanation." (Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca)

Ovidiu GHERASIM-PROCA is a lecturer, member of the Department of Political Sciences, International Relations and European Studies ("Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi). His areas of interest in research include the study of political ideologies, political transitions and processes of democratization, political anthropology and cultural studies. Co-editor of a volume on digitalized politics (Guvernanța electronică. De la promisiuni teoretice la realități empirice, Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, 2014 / Digital governance. From epistemological promises to empirical realities, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Publishing House, 2014) is concerned with the study of the technological review of democratic practices and worried about the intellectual confusion accompanies. His latest projects aim to develop the theoretical and collaborative-conversational means of understanding current trends in the political mobilization plan („Borders, Barriers and Protest Culture. The New Politics of Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe” – Patterns Lectures) the construction and deconstruction of the political discourse („Cadre discursive: cultură – politică” – Iași) or the critical review of the "bourgeois public sphere" („Retracing the subject” – Iași).

The presentation Mitul politic al proprietății intelectuale. De ce este atât de dăunător? (The Political Myth of Intellectual Property. Why Is It So Harmful?) by Ovidiu Gherasim Proca, is part of the project DREPTURI, LIBERTĂȚI, PRIVILEGII (Rights, Freedoms, Privileges) organized by 1+1 in partnership with Iași, Oberliht Association Chișinau, "George Enescu" Arts University Iași, and co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. This project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how project results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.