vessel is a mobile institution dedicated to the exploration of socially engaged cultural practices, and to the investigation of the ways in which interdisciplinary research offers the instruments for resistance against the dominant neo-liberal ideology. vessel is based in southern Italy, in the city of Bari, once a meeting point between the ancient Greek and Roman cultures, and nowadays a space of cultural hybridization between Western and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Northern Africa. Being aware of its geo-strategic position and taking into consideration the significant socio-political events of the last 5 years – from the economic and social crisis to the Arab Spring – vessel will develop in the next two years a series of projects through which it will question the real and imaginary borders between nation-states and cultures, and the possibilities of writing alternative maps and histories of the Mediterranean area. Vlad Morariu, who is a member of this platform, and who activated in the Vector association from Iasi for several years, will discuss in his presentation the common traits and differences between the institutional context of Iasi, its political and cultural infrastructure, and that of Bari; he will also focus on the last two projects that vessel did, the international conference “Enter the Artworld? Marginal Establishments, Cooptation and Resistance” (part of the Giant Step project, realized in collaboration with van Abbemuseum, Mostyn Gallery and Galeria Labirynt) and the second international curatorial workshop, both events taking place in June 2012.
Vlad Morariu is theoretician, art critic and curator. He is currently in the last stage of his PhD research which he pursued at Loughborough University School of the Arts, with a thesis about the artistic practices of institutional critique. Within the same department he thought seminars about New Genre Public Art and about the concept of precarity in the arts. He was a member of the team which organized the Periferic 7 and Periferic 8 biennials. He activates as curator within the vessel platform (Bari, Italy) and member of the ArtLeaks collective. He is a collaborator of the Idea arts + society magazine and he translated: Arthur Danto, Transfiguration of the Commonplace. A philosophy of art (Idea: Cluj, 2012) and Marius Babias, Reconquering the Political (in collaboration with Cristian Cercel), Cluj: Idea, 2008