Un proiect de Lia Perjovschi
tranzit.ro/ Sibiu
b2 întâlnire maraton/ brainstorming
Un proiect de Lia Perjovschi
Strategiile şi tacticile artistice într-un context local şi global dificil. Cum putem avea spaţii cât mai autonome, buget minim şi respect pentru artişti şi artă contemporană?...
Artiştii unui context indiferent
Alexandru Oglindă - (artist Bucureşti), Anca Mihuleț – (istoric/ curator Sibiu), Andra Matzal - (antropolog Bucureşti), Bogdan Armanu – (Ocupam Facultatea de arta, Iasi), Claudiu Cobilanschi - (artist Bucureşti), Csilla Könczei - Casa Tranzit (antropolog Cluj), Edi Constantin – (artist Bucureşti), Gabi Roşca – (arhitect Sibiu), KF Arad – Gabi Cosma - (artist Arad), A35 - Larisa Crunțeanu (artist Bucureşti), MAGMA – Ágnes Evelin Kispál, Attila Kispál, Baji Vetro - (artişti Sf. Gheorghe), Mădălina Dan – (coregraf Bucureşti), Miklós Szilárd (artist Cluj), Monotremu - (artist Tg. Mures), Piața Autonomă Cluj - Alex Boguş (Cluj), Ştefan Tiron - (artist/ curator Bucureşti), Veda Popovici - (artist Timişoara/ Bucureşti)… şi membrii tranzit.ro network
O broşură (cu alte poziţii similare recuperate) şi un rezumat pe website-ul şi pe pagina de Facebook a tranzit.ro în curând…
brainstorming este un proiect anual conceput de Lia Perjovschi şi organizat de tranzit.ro/ Sibiu.
Partenerul principal al tranzit.ro este Fundația ERSTE.
“Complex and thought -provoking art is having a harder time then ever, not only to come about but also to circulate beyond an already converted audience. (…) entertaining and easily digestible art is becoming more and more prevalent-in the public eye, almost synonymous with “art” itself. Both developments are connected with new power dynamics in the wake of globalization, neoliberal policies of deregulation and financialization, and the boom of the commercial art market. (…) the criteria of economic efficiency invade art production as well as curating, it is necessary to scrutinize the mechanisms at play and what they generate.”
Maria Lind from “Contemporary art and its commercial markets. A report on current conditions and future scenarios – Maria Lind and Olav Velthuis (eds.)
Artist now becomes a “producer” of life, a worker, an agent (…) Boris Groys
Art becomes an attempt to reactivate sensibilities and solidarity (…) Engagement (…) Empathy (…) Without empathy the social relation becomes brutal, aggressive, barbarian (…) Franco Berardi Bifo (Mousse Contemporary Art Magazine issue 34, 2012)
brainstorming artistii unui context indiferent
External Links
Tranzit.ro - b2 workshop Sibiu
Discutie b2 Sibiu (pdf, 429 kb)