A do-it-yourself performance
private space
With texts from the volume spaţiu privat [private space] by Elena Vlădăreanu
A do-it-yourself performance by Robert Bălan, Elena Vlădăreanu and Mădălina Duțescu, Virgil Aioanei, Selma Dragoș, Carmen Florescu, Lala Misosniky, Dana Voicu
Produced by tranzit.ro/ București and Art no More Association, 2015
26, 27, 28 February 2015, 7:30 pm
tranzit.ro/ București, Str. Gazelei nr. 44, sector 4
You are as it is asked from you to be. You do what you are asked to do. You are as others want you to be. You are alone, but your loneliness is visible for everybody. You make a public report for each one of your actions. When no space is genuinely private anymore, we offer you one, and you make your own show. There’s no way that you fail. You are being surveilled.
A performance for 10 spectators. Entrance by reservation at the email: raluca.voinea@tranzit.org.