-organized by tranzit.ro/Cluj
1- 5 September 2021
Location: Câmpu Cetății, Mureș County
Between 1-5 September, in Câmpu Cetății, Mureș County, tranzit.org/Cluj will organize the first edition of a yearly summer school dedicated to exploring new critical perspectives in the field of humanities and social sciences. The school aims to provide a meeting space and a catalyst for friendly but also qualified discussions between some of the most promising and relevant current research directions in the field of social sciences, as potential resources for critique and political positioning in today's world.
This year's edition has as its generic theme "Ecologies of Emancipation", in the broadest sense of the terms and in the most diverse configurations of their relationship: what is the relationship between the different systems and subsystems of modernity and their components or inhabitants, and to what extent we can conceive and articulate this relationship in a way that is both politically emancipatory and ecologically realistic. Besides the immediate issue of the global climate crisis and its increasingly frequent and obvious effects, this year's meeting will also try to take a lateral look at this framework of issues, articulating a broader and more multidisciplinary perspective on the solidarity and tensions between the different systems of modernity, as well as on their specific impact and significance in the context of today's political, social and climate crisis.
The main program of the school will consist in a series of presentations or seminars, scheduled twice a day, led by young and upcoming specialists in several fields of study, such as literary theory and history of ideas, film, social sciences, media and philosophy. In addition to these activities, the school offers ample opportunities for further development and elaboration of these topics in smaller or more spontaneous settings, as well as a generous space for other experiences and activities, from sports to hiking, astronomical observations or simple leisure, movie screenings and DJ set evenings.
The summer school is mainly dedicated to students from socio-humanities and high school students in their final years. There is no registration fee. The school offers free accommodation, in rooms with 4-5 beds, for up to 25 places, plus camping space.
Those interested in participating should send a letter of intent to the address attila.tordai@tranzit.org until the 15th of August.
Wednesday (1 sep) // Literary theory & History of Ideas
10.00 Adriana Stan – „Post-structuralism, French connection and East-European dispersions: from politics to aesthetics”
17.00 Ștefan Baghiu – „Socialist realism, market realism, capitalist realism”
Thursday (2 sep) // Film
10.00 Liri Chapelan – „The cinema environment, between decline and degrowth”
17.00 Radu Toderici – „The four types of anti-capitalism, utopian thinking and film. An analysis of recent cinema”
Friday (3 sep) // Social Sciences
10.00 Attila Szigeti – „Man or Capital? The Causes of the ecologic crisis and our (in)capacity to overcome it”
17.00 Dana Domsodi – “History and Social Sciences. A tale about vision, methodology and conceptual dislocations”
Saturday (4 sep) // Media
10.00 Andrei Nae – „The Video Game as Simulator of Cultural Identities: the Intersection between Gender, Race and Class in our Climate Crisis Context”
17.00 Costi Rogozanu – „Journalism as NGO. On the anti-fake-news industry and forms of media production in the last decade”
Sunday (5 sep) // Philosophy
10.00 Adela Hâncu, Christian Ferencz-Flatz – „Communist Uses of Modernity. Science, technology and ideology in Romanian state socialism”
17.00 Alex Sava - „Eurocrats and populists in the ecological Zeitnot: și populiști în Zeitnot ecologic: the configuration of a deadlock and its escape plans”
Main partner of tranzit.ro is ERSTE Foundation.