27th of July -18th of September 2015
tranzit. ro/Cluj,
Brassai S. Street, No.5.
Between 27th of July -18th of September 2015, Hungarian artist Miklós Mécs will occupy tranzit. ro/ Cluj space in order to develop artistic interventions from a no-win situation. During his residency he will be using the street windows of the tranzit as communication channel with the pedestrians.
Miklós Mécs was born in Esztergom. He is activating under different artist-names and artist group names as: COULD Group (-Nák -Nék Csoport), A.M.B.P.A. - Association of Mouth and Brain Painting Artists of the World (Sz.A.F), NewCoop (Újszövetkezet), Amen Cooperative Farm (ÁmeN TSz), K.U.T.A.CS, Family Warm, Hunger Strike Diner (Éhségsztrájk Kifőzde), Correction Class (Korrekciós Osztály), Association of Living On (Half of) the Minimum Wage, Garay Gallery (Garay Galéria), Hungarian Turtledove Party (Magyar Gerle Párt), C.K.O.T
The project is inscribed in the Street, we negotiate; city, we reinstitute. program developed by tranzit. ro/Cluj.