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L’Internationale presents two new publications: Soils & Collective Study in Times of Emergency

L’Internationale presents two new publications:


Soils was published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at the Van Abbemuseum.

Soil is a strong and resistant material. It is alive, it breathes, and it can recover. In this exhibition, soil is seen as both matter and metaphor. For some, soil is used as an artistic vehicle. For others, soil is a metaphor for the possibility of not only resistance but also the re-existence of under-standing about our relations with the Earth today.
This book is a reflection on the Soils exhibition in the Van Abbemuseum. The exhibition was five years in the planning and the book leads you through the various phases of its realisation. Alongside a rich selection of images, it includes texts by the three curators, artists and key interlocutors: Teresa Cos Rebollo, Zena Cumpston Charles Esche, Wapke Feenstra/Inez Dekker, Victoria Lynn, Struggles for Sovereignty and Rolando Vazquez.

The Experimental Station for Research on Art and Life had a small display presented in the Soils exhibition, curated by the Resurrection Committee (Adelina Luft, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, Raluca Voinea), with contributions from Anonymous artist (Transylvania, 19th century), Adelina Ivan, Anang Saptoto, Eduard Constantin, Livia Pancu.

Collective Study in Times of Emergency

Collective Study in Times of Emergency brings together nineteen contributions published by L’Internationale Online since November 2023 under the strand ‘Towards Collective Study in Times of Emergency’. The contents span essays, collective writing, selections of poetry, listening sessions, DJ sets and much more. Unlike previous publications assembled and edited by L’Internationale Online, the publication was not preconceived as a book. As the first editorial from November 2023 articulates, the impulse, urgency and necessity for this work was to try to understand the implications of the genocide unfolding in Gaza for the cultural sphere, from the places in which L’Internationale’s partners operate.

Baqiya and Yu’ad, Bojana Piškur, Charles Esche, Ezgi Yurteri, Françoise Vergès, The Free Palestine Initiative Croatia, Hannah Gregory and Rebecca Bligh, Jokkoo with Miramizu, Rasheed Jalloul & Sabine Salamé, Lama el Khatib, Learning Palestine Group, L’Internationale Confederation, L’Internationale Online Editorial Board, Martin Pogačar, Mick Wilson, Nick Aikens, Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, Precolumbian, Rana Anani, Rana Issa, Sanabel Abdel Rahman, Sara Buraya Boned, Vijay Prashad

Nick Aikens, Sara Buraya Boned, Lama El Khatib, Charles Esche, Martin Pogačar, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, Ezgi Yurteri is a partner of L’Internationale confederation in the Museum of the Commons project.

Museum of the Commons is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

L’Internationale presents Museum of the Commons