31.08 – 4.09. 2022
Location: Câmpu Cetății, Mureș County
Deadline for applications: 15th of July
The second edition of the yearly summer school Ecologies of Emancipation, organized by at Câmpu Cetății, Mureș County, will take place between August 31 and September 4, 2022 and will have as guiding theme the contemporary relations, tensions and interdependences between Science, State, and Society. As usual, the school aims to provide a meeting space and a catalyst for friendly but also qualified discussions between some of the most promising and relevant current research projects and theoretical perspectives from the broad field of social sciences, as so many potential resources for critique and political positioning in today's world.
This year’s edition aims to question the many faceted relations between science, state and society, as a crucial issue whose actuality can be declined on (at least) three axes: in our recent and ongoing past, as the particular modern constellations of science, state and society articulated by the political regimes and social formations of our last century; in the immediate present, as evidenced and dramatized in our current pandemic context with its political instrumentation of science and its corresponding growing social mistrust in both official science and politics; and finally, in our already present future, as the great reshuffling of the relation between science, society and politics urgently demanded by the climate crisis.
The main program of the school will consist in a series of presentations or seminars, scheduled twice a day, led by young and upcoming specialists in various fields of the larger social sciences, such as political theory, arts, historical sociology, literary theory, and film.
In addition to these activities, the school offers ample opportunities for further development and elaboration of these topics in smaller or more spontaneous settings, as well as a generous space for other experiences and activities.
The school is dedicated especially (but not exclusively) to the students from the socio-human faculties and to the high school students from the last year. There is no registration fee. The school offers free accommodation in rooms with 4-6 beds, up to 24 places, plus free camping space.
Wednesday, 31th of August:
12:00-1:00 pm. Florin Poenaru - The time of the world. History and causality in the social sciences vs. climate sciences
5:00-7:00 pm. Irina Dumitru: Why do we trust science? The role of diversity and consensus in physics
Thursday, 1st of September:
11:00-1:00 pm. Alexandru Evanghelidis - Research, Innovation and Digitization, or Baptism, Wedding, and Funeral
5:00-7:00 pm. Adriana Stan, Cosmin Borza - From state protectionism to free market projections in post-communist culture and research
Friday, 2nd of September :
11:00-1:00 pm. Cornel Ban, Jacob Hasselbalch - Growth and Its Discontents: Sustainability, Economic Growth, and World Order
5-7:00 pm. Adela Hîncu, Christian Ferencz-Flatz - Ecology and philosophy of science in communist Romania
Saturday, 3th of September :
11:00-1 pm. Ștefan Baghiu, Alex Cistelecan - Communist Futurologists
5:00-7:00 pm. Ana Szel - The Romanian scientific film
Sunday, 4th of September:
11:00-1:00 pm Concluding discussions - round table moderated by Costi Rogozanu
Those wishing to attend the summer school are asked to send a letter of intent to
The project Ecologies of Emancipation is coordinated by Alex Cistelecan and Attila Tordai-S.
Main partner of is ERSTE Foundation.