31st of December 2017 – 15th of March 2018
tranzit.ro/ Iaşi
Al. Lăpuşneanu Street, no. 7-9
Miki is cultural manager and curator for performing arts and interdisciplinary projects, president of Colectiv A Association and director of the Festival TEMPS D’IMAGES from Cluj. She is interested in art as a development tool of the community in which she activates.
Preoccupied by the economic and social-political transformations that occur within the global society, she is involved in cultural projects together with the artists inspired by the image of our times. In November 2015 she received the title of `Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres` from the French Ministry of Culture for her activity to support the independent performing arts sector in Romania. In 2016 she received the prize for interdisciplinary projects from the Administration of the National Cultural Fund and the prize for the support for contemporary dance from The National Center for Contemporary dance.