with Adi Dohotaru
Saturday, 8th of October 2016, 8 pm
tranzit.ro/ Iași
Al. Lăpușneanu St. 7-9
Saturday, the 8th of October we invite you to the Pata book Launch, a publication about the activism related to the Pata Rât ghetto from Cluj, alongside with one of its editors, Adi Dohotaru.
The book mirrors the different civic trans-ethnics initiatives for human rights and social justice. These initiatives are aiming towards the implementation of the de-ghettoization process as well as towards enforcing local and central policies that would allow ensuring the locative rights of all citizens, particularly of marginalised categories.
Editors: Adi Dohotaru, Hajnalka Harbula, Enikő Vincze
Publisher: Editura Fundaţiei pentru Studii Europene
Em. de Martonne street no 1, Cluj, Romania
Director: Laura Herța
Series coordinated by: Enikő VINCZE
Graphic design: Szilárd MIKLÓS
Typefaces: Proxima Nova, Apex Serif
© EFES, 2016
Printed in Cluj, Romania
ISBN: 978-606-526-218-8
This volume was published with the support of the CNCS - UEFISCDI, PN-II-IDPCE-2011-3-0354 grant, in the frame of SPATIALIZATION AND RACIALIZATION OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION. The social and cultural formation of "Gypsy ghettos" in Romania in an European context. (www.sparex-ro.eu).
More details about the publication can be found here.
Adi Dohotaru (b. 1983) is a Cluj based activist, researcher and journalist, a small vagabond between humanities and social domains. He uses Anthropology performative technique in the frame of a larger civic engagement methodology: Participatory Action Research. He enjoys that some defended cases had been successfully and he is sad because other more important did not have much.