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Launching event of the project “Urban Spaces in Action”

A project developed by Komunitas Association in 2014-2015

Komunitas Association and its partners invite you to the:

Launching event of the project “Urban Spaces in Action”

5 June 2014, 6-9 pm Bucureşti, Str. Gazelei nr. 44, sector 4

“Urban spaces in action” is the latest initiative of Komunitas Association – an interdisciplinary project, at the intersection between urbanism, urban anthropology, architecture and non-formal education. The project comes as a response to certain urban problems identified by the organization in its work from the past 7 years, through social research combined with projects or experiments of urban education and community development. The project is developed in the period 1 May 2014 – 30 October 2015 and the areas in which activities are taking place are 3 neighbourhoods in Bucharest: Tei, Tineretului, Timpuri Noi.

The project is coordinated by Komunitas Association, in partnership with ArtWe Association, Association, Bucharest’s Municipal Department for Sport and Youth and it is supported by the architectural duo studioBASAR.

The project’s main objectives aim to activate the urban spaces in the three neighbourhoods through interdisciplinary activities, urban interventions and community events, in parallel with the involvement of over 100 young people, in activities of alternative education, based on the methods of urban pedagogy conceived by Komunitas Association.

The schedule of the launching event includes:

- A detailed presentation of the project, with a contextualization of the three neighbourhoods, realized by Komunitas Association and studioBASAR;
- Short introductions by the project partners:, ArtWe, Bucharest’s Municipal Department for Sport and Youth;
- Open discussions and networking activities;
- Screening of the film “At the ground level of the city” (34’, realized by the organization Atelier d’architecture autogérée (aaa), 2005).

Participation is based on registration, until the 2nd of June, by email:

The registration message should include the following details: name, represented institution (if the case) and a sentence through which to indicate what inspires you one of the three neighbourhoods the project works with (Tei, Tineretului, Timpuri Noi).

The project “Urban spaces in action” is financed through the SEE grants 2009-2014, as part of the NGO Fund in Romania. For official information about the SEE and Norwegian grants, visit the pages,

More details on the project’s Facebook page:

The event is supported by Zeppelin Association

Media partners:
Asociația Zeppelin, Creionetica, Revista Arhitectura, Revista Arhitext, ziarul Buna Dimineața București!, Think Outside the Box.

With the support of: , YoYo cafe

Komunitas Association is non-governmental organization founded in 2006 by a group of young sociologist and anthropologist researchers, based on the concept of applied social and educational sciences.

studioBASAR is an architectural group founded in 2006 by Alex Axinte and Cristi Borcan, both as studio of architecture and as a Search-and-Rescue team, which acts as an agent of urban observation and intervention.

ArtWe is an NGO addressed to young students or practitioners from such fields as drawing, painting, photography, digital art, design or music, interested by the new trends in the cultural field. is a platform and a network dedicated to contemporary art and is involved in the project through its branch from Bucharest.

Bucharest’s Municipal Department for Sport and Youth [Directia pentru Sport si Tineret a Municipiului Bucuresti]

For more information you can contact:

Roxana Maria Popescu
m: +40729066789 /


SEE grants 2009-2014

Asociatia Komunitas