Collective Reading by Elena Bonte, David Bonte, Ovidiu Pop, Florin Bobu, Livia Pancu, Andrei Timofte, Marius-Alexandru Dan, Baran Caginli, Dorone Paris, Noa Treister and Alexander Nikolic.
Recorded in October 2020, in Iași, in the frame of the project and traveling exhibition Conditions of Peace organized by 1+1 [Iași], tranzit. ro/ Iași [Iași], Učitelj neznalica i njegovi komiteti (The Ignorant Schoolmaster and his committees) [Beograd], Rab-Rab Press [Helsinki], BOEM Artists’ Collective [Vienna].
„My work shows the political-theoretical arguments that are presented during one session in the Local Council of Peace, an advisory institution that is part of a planetary form of government called the World Republic. The debate is temporally placed in a utopian historical moment that comes after the economical and environmental cataclysm caused by the capitalist mode of production and consumption. The goal of the Council of Peace is to conceptualize effective ways in which the post-capitalist government creates and consolidates peace in society. The arguments revolve around two concepts considered by all participants to the Council to be fundamental to the peace process: the property structure and the political form by which desires are produced. Beside this main set of problems, my work is concerned with the question of language in a revolutionary situation. The text is, thus, presented as a direct translation from Revolutionary Language. This gives the opportunity to bring out the contrast in the semantics between English, as a language that’s historically molded into capitalist relations, and Revolutionary Language with its consciously deployed pallet of meanings that challenge common understanding. In the context of this collective exhibition, the aim of my work is to confront the visitor with concrete revolutionary imagery told from a post-factual perspective in order to awake class consciousness and deepen political imagination.” (Ovidiu Pop, 2020)
Conditions of Peace was co-financed by The Administration of the National Cultural Fund (Romania), Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, Foundation for Arts Initiatives, Frame Contemporary Art Finland, Erste Foundation, Centrul Cultural German Iasi, Goethe Institut.
More details here.
CONDIȚII DE PACE / CONDITIONS OF PEACE is co-financed by Administration of the National Cultural Fund, Europe for Citizen of European Union and FRAME Contemporary Art Finland. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is neither responsible of the project content or of the way in which the project results may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the grant beneficiary.
“The European Commission’s support for the production of this project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”