Lecture and writing workshop
25 October 2018
“Lupeni” Industrial Mining School Group, city of Lupeni, Hunedoara County
Collaborator: Elena Vlădăreanu
„The neoliberal mode of production renders the physical labor infrastructure invisible. The working conditions of the workers draw many similarities with the cultural workers: flexible working hours, identification with the working process, unlimited work availability at home, delocalization. However, the two work fields have a very different status. The reading and the workshop suggest textual solutions to the question: how do we bring back the materiality of life in a literary text?” (Ovid Pop, 2018)
The workshop is coordinated by the writer and theorist Ovid Pop in collaboration with the poet and journalist Elena Vlădăreanu. The workshop is run with the participation of the pupils of the Grupul Școlar Industrial Minier in Lupeni (age 15-18).
Partner: “Lupeni” Industrial Mining School Group, city of Lupeni, Hunedoara County
The event Dematerialisation and devaluation of work was organised in the frame of the project The Estate of the Living by tranzit.ro/ Iași and co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. This project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how project results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
The main partner of tranzit.ro is ERSTE Foundation.