Lecture and writing workshop
23 October 2018
“Constantin Brâncoveanu” Technological Highschool, city of Scorniceşti, Olt County
Collaborator: Elena Vlădăreanu
“This reading explores the tension that breaks out when trying to adjust the present to the past and vice versa. The Golden Age is a classical theme in the Western Literary Canon. In the Romanian context, the topic has a specific reading: it is about how one interprets the socialist modernity. The town of Sconicești, as a privileged beneficiary of the socialist transformation, is the ideal place to start the debate on the collective experience in post-socialism/neoliberalism and to draw a parallel to the collective experience during socialism. The question is then: if socialism was the Golden Age, which age is Scornicești living through now?” (Ovid Pop, 2018)
The workshop is coordinated by the writer and theorist Ovid Pop in collaboration with the poet and journalist Elena Vlădăreanu. The workshop is run with the participation of the pupils of the “Constantin Brâncoveanu” Technological Highschool, in the city of Scorniceşti (age 15-18).
Partner: “Constantin Brâncoveanu” Technological Highschool, city of Scorniceşti, Olt county
The event The Golden Age. The Plastic Age. The Carbon Fiber Age was organised in the frame of the project The Estate of the Living by tranzit.ro/ Iași and co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. This project does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how project results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
The main partner of tranzit.ro is ERSTE Foundation.