Video - Forum ǀ Video collection of Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) in Iași Iași, Al Lăpușneanu St. 7-9
Sunday, September 27, 7:30 p.m.
Nate Harrison - Aura dies hard (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Copy), 2010
Niklas Goldbach - Habitat C3B, 2008
Muntean / Rosenblum - Not to be. Not to be at all., 2003
Melanie Shatzky & Brian Cassidy - The Delaware project, 2007
This is the fourth presentation taking part of a 7 selections from Video-Forum (n.b.k.) which is also the oldest collection of video art from Germany. The project is taking place from July to October 2015.
The selection that will be screened on Sunday, September 27 is realized by Delia Bulgaru.
”This four-movie selection, more random than deliberate, presents first a video essay (Aura dies hard, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Copy), in which the author reflects on the rhetoric of dematerialisation often associated with the early days of video art, conceptual art and performance, as well as on the (authorised or unauthorised) duplication of video artworks.
The next three movies question in a poetic manner the relationship between fictional characters and a particular given space – an auto shop, a motorway and several doctor's offices, or a district of Paris built in the 1970s. The interaction between the characters and the scenery deals with issues concerning the relationship between the hierarchical structures of modern society and the individual (Habitat C3B), the relevance of individual existence in a dystopian universe (Not to be. Not to be at all) or the impossibility of sensory connection with a world in rapid evolution (The Delaware Project).” (Delia Bulgaru)
Delia Bulgaru has an MA in Mural Art from the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design from Iasi. In 2010 she became one of the founding members of the SATellite group (Social Artistic Tendency), together with Andrei Timofte and Alex Tărnăuceanu, a group whose artistic practice is often participative and has social applicability, the aim being to research the local and broader social and political contexts.
As of February 2014 she is part of the Iaşi team. In the interval October-November 2014 she completed an internship at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) in Berlin.
This project can be regarded as an attempt to allow a different approach of the concept of “collection” and producing new contexts for the local video-art production in Iași. Each selection will be offering a subjective and unique image of Video-Forum and also new understanding of how the international video art history is working on the tissue of new video productions in Iași.
Video-Forum at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.)
Founded in 1971 as an artists’ initiative, the Video-Forum, with its over 1,600 works of video art, is the oldest collection of video art in Germany. The focal points of the collection are Fluxus, feminist video, the historical and contemporary situation for video art in Berlin, as well as approaches reflecting on the media. Key works by artists from the 1960s and 1970s are represented on an equal footing with contemporary productions. The Video-Forum regularly co-produces new works and organizes regular exhibitions, screenings and discussions related to video art. Visitors may view works in the collection free of charge.
Organizer: Iași
Main partner: Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) and Video-Forum
Partner: University of Arts ”G. Enescu”, Iași
The project is curated by: Florin Bobu and Livia Pancu
The main partner of is ERSTE Foundation.