A debate with Veronica Lazăr and Delia Bădoi
Sofia Nădejde Awards project together with tranzit.ro/Bucureşti invite you to
The convenient percent. The humanistic research
A debate with Veronica Lazăr and Delia Bădoi
Monday, 17 February 2020, 7:00 pm
Londohome, Str. David Praporgescu 31, București
We continue the series of meetings under the title "The convenient percent" with a debate on the humanistic research in Romania: how visible is the work of women in these fields, how acknowledged it is, how much are they recognized as opinion leaders? Seeing how references, quotations, invitations for participation in televised public debates on the topics of public interest are honoured almost exclusively by men, how much does the women’s work matter? We invited Veronica Lazăr and Delia Bădoi to debate with us starting from some of these questions.
Veronica Lazăr has a PhD in philosophy from the Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj, with a thesis on the philosophy of history in the French Enlightenment. She is a collections editor at Tact publishing house, contributed with translations to IDEA and Cultura magazines and publishes on CriticAtac platform.
Delia Bădoi has a PhD in sociology at EHESS Paris and the University in Bucharest. Currently she works at the Institute of Research for Life Quality, where she studies the precariousness and flexible work within a project that follows the employment strategies in Romania in the context of the new digital vulnerabilities.
The convenient percent is a series of meetings initiated in 2019 by the project Sofia Nădejde Awards and tranzit.ro/ București in order to debate from different perspectives on the women’s underrepresentation in the cultural production acknowledged and valued in the public sphere.
Liliana Basarab, One and Three Branches, mixed media (wood, ceramics, textile), 48x12x2 cm, 2019
The Convenient Per-Cent. Equity and Gender