Tuesday, 7 March 2017, 7:30 pm
Tranzit Orangery
tranzit.ro/ București
Str. Gazelei nr. 44, sector 4
Katharina Koch, artistic director of the of the feminist art space alpha nova & galerie futura (Berlin) will give an insight into the work of the space by presenting its concept and self positioning and resulting practices and working structures. Moreover some ideas and perspectives on feminist curatorial practices will be discussed in this framework.
alpha nova & galerie futura is a Berlin-based art space for exhibitions and cultural events which promotes the interaction of artistic, theoretical and political practices with an explicit gender-critical perspective.
Katharina Koch is director and co-curator of the feminist art space alpha nova & galerie futura in Berlin, Germany. She holds a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and a M.A. in Cultural Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Social Sciences and Gender Studies. Her fields of activity range from curatorial to academic-theoretical work. Moreover she is a filmmaker and realized several documentaries. Her main topics are feminism, art in public space, participative art, and film.