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NOA TREISTER, The Possibility of Reading

Presentation in the frame of Zilele Spațiului Public, ediția a III-a (The Public Space Days (3rd edition), Chișinău, Republic of Moldova

May 24th, 2018, 4 pm - 5:30 pm Iaşi
Al. Lăpuşneanu street, no. 7-9

In partnership with Oberliht Association, Chișinău

"The discussion of the reading groups Privileges and Identities: Rights and Property will focus on two aspects: the first - Why read? Why read in common? How are reading groups a political activity? and the second - How to name the concrete theme of a reading group in general? and Why did we choose the topics of rights and properties? This will include a discussion of how Thatcher’s “There Is No Alternative” (TINA) has become the ideological framework in which we function today which in its disavowal of its own ideological position the possibility of thinking (differently) is denied as well as any social relation that is not competition. Furthermore, collectivity is only defined as an alliance of interests that are constantly managed while generic names such as work, peace, thought, human are denied. In the upcoming reading groups we will follow two of the major ideological tools that today organize our lives Rights and Property, looking at some their main trajectories and possibilities." (Noa Treister)

The seminars Privileges and Identities: Rights and Property are part of DREPTURI, LIBERTĂȚI, PRIVILEGII (RIGHTS, FREEDOMS, PRIVILEGES), a project organized by 1+1 and Iași, in partnership with Oberliht Association Chișinau, “George Enescu” University of Arts Iași and co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.

More info about the project on

Noa Treister is an artist, curator and activist whose work is dedicated to articulation of various possibilities of economic and political relations and scission in society. She finished the Bezalel Art and Design Academy in Jerusalem, Israel and currently is taking Postgraduate studies at the Division of Philosophy, Art, and Critical Thought of the European Graduate School. Since 2011 she is a founding member of the Ignorant Schoolmaster and its committees – a platform for self-education. In that framework she is the author and leading member of the project Naming IT War – cooperation of war participants and anti-war activist of the 90s War in Yugoslavia and Testimony – Truth or politics as well as a member of the project The assembly of Workers Society – joint articulation and legal help of workers’ groups fighting against privatization and for workers’ rights.