27 october 2015, 7 pm.
Str. Brassai Sámuel no 5, Cluj.
Lecture by Csilla Gyöngyösi
Moderated by Zsuzsa Selyem
Ordinary people do not know too much about Islam. They see migrants on TV, knowing that they are Muslims. Do we need to be afraid of their religion? Do they want to convert us? Will they introduce sharia law, whatever this thing is? Will they try to have four wives and conquer Europe by their children? What does Islam say about religious minorities, or Muslim People in minority status? What the heck is jihad? Questions and answers.
Csilla Gyöngyösi, is a PhD student and teacher at Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Department of Philosophy. She study Medieval Philosophy and Theology, especially Philosophy and Theology of Medieval Islam. She is teaching Modern Standard Arabic and courses related to Islam for students of Religious Studies: History of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Islam as a Religious Phenomenon, The Theological Concepts of Monotheistic Religions Religious Studies at Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
The event is part of a new series of lectures given in Hungarian language, aiming to clarify the essential questions raised around the topics of some current issues.
Coordinated by Janka Visky