by Vasile Ernu Cluj invites you to the release of the volume
The Sectarians. Small trilogy of the marginals
by Vasile Ernu
Friday 12 June, 6 pm. Cluj, str. Brassai S. nr.5.
Guests: Aurel Codoban, Marius Lazăr, Alex Cistelecan
The book was published by Polirom Publishing House in 2015.
The sects have always been marginal religious cults, less noticed by the rest of the world, usually creating fear and distrust.
Vasile Ernu tells the story of a religious community in Bugeac which has survived for four generations, although it passed through for different regimes, more or less repressive: the Russian Empire, the Greater Romania, USSR and the Republic of Moldavia.
More details on and
Vasile Ernu is born in USSR in 1971. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy (“Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, 1996) and of a master in philosophy („Babeş-Bolyai“ University, Cluj-Napoca, 1997). He was the founding editor of the Philosophy & Stuffmagazine and associated editor of the Idea art society magazine. He activated in the Idea and Tranzit foundations and in the Idea and Polirom publishing houses. In the past years he had opinion columns in România Liberă, HotNews, Timpul si Adevărul, as well as permanent columns in the Noua literatură, Suplimentul de Cultură and Observator cultural magazines. He stated with the volume Born in USSR (Polirom, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2013), translated in Russian, Bulgarian, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian and Polish. The book was nominated to the Debut prize of the Cuvîntul magazine, the novel and memorial Prize of the Observator cultural magazine and the Opera Prima Prize of the Anonimul Foundation, and was granted the Debut prize of România literară and the {bDebut Prize of the Writers Union in Romania. He also published: The Illusion of anti-communism. Critical readings of the Tismăneanu Report (coordinated together with Costi Rogozanu, Ciprian Şiulea and Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, 2008, Cartier); The last heretics of the Empire (2009, Polirom; nominated to the essay Prize of the Observator cultural magazine and granted the Tiuk! Prize; translated in Italy and being published in Russia); What stands between us. The Epistolary of Manuc’s Inn (together with Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu, 2010, Polirom); Today’s Russian Intelligence (2012, Cartier); In the volume I’m a leftist (2013, Cartier Publishing House); Ucrain live. The Ucrain crisis: from Maidan to the civil war (coordinated together with Florin Poenaru, 2014, Tact).