Presentation by Axel Braun
Tuesday, 14 October 2014, 7 pm București, Str. Gazelei, nr. 44, sector 4
An event organized together with Goethe-Institut Bucharest.
“Large scale technologies, like reservoirs and hydro power plants, are perfect examples for how humans alter landscapes to satisfy their growing needs. This artistic research project aims to investigate the relation of power and responsibility in the context of recent discussions on the energy supplies. My investigations concentrate on the understanding of technology and nature and the way the connected discourses changed throughout the last century. From the late nineteenth century to the 1960s a strong enthusiasm for technological progress dominated the field. After numerous catastrophes had destabilised this anthropocentric view on the world, ecological tendencies became more and more powerful. On the one hand I want to analyse the communication strategies employed by big companies to maintain their power in society. On the other hand I try to figure out how much the romantic idea of nature still influences our perception of landscape.” (Axel Braun)
Axel Braun (born in 1983 in Düsseldorf) studied photography at Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen and Fine Arts at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Currently he is artist-in-residence of the Goethe-Institut Bucharest; he held a Visegrad Scholarship at Open Society Archives Budapest earlier this year and he received a Young Artist Award (media arts) of the Federal State of North Rhine Westfalia in 2013.
The presentation is part of the programme “/ Natural”, developed by București.
Goethe-Institut Bukarest