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An exhibition by Andreea CIOARĂ Iași and 1+1 invite you to the opening of the first personal exhibition of the artist Andreea Cioară, which is the exhibition opening the programme of 2019.

OPENING: Saturday, the 26th of January, 2019, at 7:00 pm
Unforgettable Taste PERFORMANCE will start at 7:30 pm sharp.

The five works that make up this exhibition become conceptual devices that use, as a starting point, one of the most ordinary functional objects (plates, labels, balloons), but also art objects or life stories that are overlapped with our social expectations. The artist manipulates them just as we expected them to do - yet, in the end, we are all dissatisfied.

Rochiță / Dress (2018) uses clothing labels as raw material. The mainstream social criticism remarks that we are wearing brands in search of a status upgrade - but how does this look like in a dress made exclusively from labels?

The letters in the balloons usually used to celebrate the party happiness between friends are now forced to make a negation: No (2018).

With the help of painted ceramic tiles, Gust de Neuitat / Unforgettable Taste (performance / video performance, 2017-), tells the story of a teenage girl’s adventure by the seaside. Recalling the technique of comic strips, the most emotionally charged elements are equalized and annihilated by the monotony they are narrated with. Last but not least, the work is partially altered at each telling.

Supermarket Love (2018) is a painted and glazed pottery plate. The most appropriate place of exhibiting it seems to be in the kitchen, above the counter-top, where we usually prepare the food. In this way we would constantly face the moment of decision making in the supermarket. The painted composition is placed on the checkout counter, a place that we will easily recognize. The elements of the composition are: "Denisa Cutlery Set", tampons, napkins, chocolate, shampoo, a transparent plastic bowl etc. In the mid-ground, we are reminded of the next customer's existence, and in the foreground we may distinguish the hand of the supermarket worker who processes the desires and needs produced by the consumption.

Plate decorating is a tradition and an industry. Plates 1-5 (2019) show us what happens when inoffensive decorations are replaced by bloody drawings of animals slaughtered to become food: a bull's heart, a lamb’s head, a rabbit.

One more question may be added in the end: what happens when the social critique of these practices becomes, in turn, a tradition and an industry?

Andreea CIOARĂ (born 1995) is a graduate of the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, "George Enescu" University of Art (Mural Art Department). In 2016, she received a scholarship from the University of Salamanca, Spain. She participated in group shows such as Libidoland (UAGE Iași), micro-narațiuni (1+1 & Iași) or Working Title 2 (Magma, Sfântu Gheorghe).